
Yes. All our boys and adult leaders are Catholics in good standing, fully faithful to the Catholic Magisterium, the Holy Father, and the local bishop.

No. The Troops of Saint George (TSG) is a Catholic outdoor movement for fathers and sons, with distinct missions, goals, and standards separate from scouting organizations.

Boys aged 6-18 can join.

Ages 6-10 → Junior Cadets
Ages 11-18 → Senior Cadets

We prioritize outdoor activities and avoid unnecessary meetings. Most troops meet once or twice per month to plan events and campouts.

Each cadet should have:

Tent & Sleeping Bag
Mess Kit & Flashlight
Pocketknife (if age-appropriate)

Junior Cadets (Grades 1-5) → Assigned to patrols named after St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, and St. George.
Senior Cadets (Grades 6-12) → Organized into mixed-age patrols, each named after a Catholic saint or blessed.

Junior Cadets advance by completing age-specific skills in faith, patriotism, and manhood.

Senior Cadets can take Achievement Courses (AC Stars) and work toward the Tribunes of Saint George for our Supreme Pontiff—TSG’s highest honor.

Contact us for more information